Free and Open Source Software for Geomatics Conference FOSS4G 2010 Barcelona

Selected Presentations

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OpenLayers enjoyed a quick rise in popularity after it's initial release in 2006.  It has since become the de facto standard for front-end mapping libraries in the open source world.  The library provides a full selection of raster layer types, deals in many standard and popular protocols and data formats, and allows for client side vector rendering.  A healthy community of developers and users evolved around the library, and new features are actively being developed.

What kind of future lies in store for OpenLayers?  That's anybody's guess.  This talk will be full of speculation about how the library could evolve, how we could best leverage new technologies and coding trends, and how we might support devices that have come on the scene since the project's inception.  Come with a dark pair of shades, it's a bright future we'll envision.



Tim Schaub - OpenGeo