Free and Open Source Software for Geomatics Conference FOSS4G 2010 Barcelona

Selected Presentations

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This presentation will report on where MapFish is today, and where it is going. Both community-related and technical aspects will be covered.

With the MapFish Project Steering Committee (PSC) now formed, people attending this session will learn how the project is now governed, and the overall directions the PSC is taking for the project.

As for the technical aspects, the framework's core design principles and philosophy will be presented. In particular, we will explain how MapFish makes use of standard general-purpose web technologies, and makes them available (as opposed to hiding them) to the application developer. The main libraries and frameworks MapFish builds on and provides will be described.

Also, with the MapFish community now embracing the GeoExt JavaScript toolkit,the implications this has for MapFish and for MapFish users will be discussed.


Éric Lemoine - Camptocamp